Advertising Myself
Hello there! What brought you here?
Was it Google?!
Let’s hope so since apparently how google ads work is pay to click! I hope you even send me an email or give me a call via the contact page! I offer free 30 minute consultation over Microsoft Teams or a simple phone call. Thanks COVID!
Here are a few things I would ask during that consultation:
- Are you looking to complete a project or for managed services.
- Will I need to come on-premise?
- I have no issue with this, but will of course follow COVID guidelines.
- Server Environment
- Primarily Windows or Linux
- Physical, virtualized, cloud?
- What are you looking to accomplish?
- Is this already in place or a fresh installation?
- What is the timeframe?
If we identify that I would not be able to assist you with what you need I will of course assist you as I can.